Tuesday, December 30

A brief look at Hanoi, North Vietnam

After cruising on the Mekong River from Saigon to Siem Reap last July*, we flew to Hanoi for a week. We'd never been to North Vietnam so this was a good opportunity.
Hanoi has quite a different feel to it compared to Saigon (oops! I mean Ho Chi Minh City). Seemed to be less frenetic with not so many young people with tablets and laptops.
We'd heard that the traffic was worse in Hanoi than HCMC but actually found there weren't so many motor bikes so crossing the smaller roads was easier. The main roads were a different matter.
We took a couple of days out from our time in Hanoi to go to Halong Bay. Definitely worthwhile. That'll be the next video.
*Videos of the Mekong cruise are here: