Saturday, January 8

Around Rarotonga in 8 minutes

This video is longer than usual. The title says eight minutes but it’s actually a bit over eight and a half, however that’s still a fairly speedy trip around the rock!
The new year weather was wet and miserable for several days but Tuesday dawned fine and sunny so I got out the motorbike and drove the 30 or so kilometres around the main road in a clockwise direction.
I started at the junction of Pokoinu Road with the main road and headed along the sea wall to Panama, then Avatiu, Avarua, Tupapa, Matavera, Ngatangiia, Titikaveka, Papa’aroa, Aroa, Kavera, Arorangi, Nikao ending up at Pokoinu Road again.
With no stops (and sticking to the speed limit) it took 45 minutes (The bus takes 50 minutes). But nobody wants to watch three-quarters of an hour of road video however nice the scenery is so I speeded it up by 500%.
You can tell the state of the roads by all the jumping and juddering. Potholes are an ongoing source of complaint on Rarotonga. One of our growth industries. The authorities sometimes send road crews round to fill them in with dirt and gravel if there’s no tar on the island. Not surprisingly the holes don’t stay filled for long.
The music is a song from popular local singer Tara Kauva's new CD "Poe Manea". You can find out more about Tara on her website at