Wednesday, September 21

Te Maeva Nui Float Parade 2016

This year's Te Maeva Nui (constitution celebrations) just featured teams from Rarotonga but the float parade that started things off was as popular as ever.

The route was somewhat shorter than it has been in the past. It started from Punanga Nui market and travelled sown the sea-side of the main road to the VIP tent which was set up on the area that looks like waste ground most of the time but is, I believe, actually now called Constitution Park, opposite St Joseph's, the Catholic cathedral.

In the traditional manner the parade was late starting because we all had to wait for the speeches to finish. I don't know why politicians bother with long speeches at public events because nobody listens to them, they don't get reported in any kind of detail in the media and they just annoy people who are waiting for the fun to begin.

And it was fun, once it started, for both participants and spectators.